Welcome To The Auction!


L’École Vanguard offre à chaque élève ayant des difficultés graves d’apprentissage, une formation favorisant la réussite scolaire, le développement, le développement de son estime de soi, l’atteinte de son plein potentiel et son intégration harmonieuse dans la société.

Notre tournoi de golf qui se tiendra le 13 juin 2016. Ce tournoi se veut une compétition amicale au cours de laquelle 144 joueurs pourront bénéficier du site enchanteur du Club de golf Kanawaki. Cette activité de financement en est déjà à sa dix-huitième édition. Nous sommes très fiers d’annoncer que l’édition 2015 a rapporté plus de 90 000 $, montant versé à l’École Vanguard. Les profits du tournoi aideront à l’École Vanguard à réaliser sa mission

Soutenez Vanguard dans la réalisation de sa mission! Aidez à développer chez les élèves ce qu’ils ont de

plus précieux : l’estime de soi, la recherche de leur plein potentiel, l’ouverture au savoir et «des ailes pour s’élever», que certains jeunes appellent «les stratégies et les outils dont j’ai besoin pour apprendre et vivre des réussites similaires aux autres élèves de la province». Quand vous aidez les jeunes avec troubles graves d’apprentissage, vous encouragez leur éducation, contrez le décrochage scolaire parmi eux et... leur «donnez des ailes» !


Vanguard School’s mission is to make training available to students with severe learning disabilities, thereby enabling them to achieve academic success, develop self-esteem and reach their full potential as they integrate seamlessly into society.

Our golf tournament will be held on June 13, 2016. This friendly event which includes 144 players will take place at the enchanting Kanawaki Golf Club. This fundraising event is now in its eighteenth edition.

Vanguard needs your support to achieve its mission! Help students develop that which is most precious: self-esteem, reaching their full potential, openness to knowledge and “wings to rise,” that some young people call “strategies and tools needed to learn and experience success similar to that of other students in the province.” When you help young people with severe learning disabilities, you encourage their education, help reduce school dropout rates and you “give them wings”!


Winning Bidder Payment Information

Les acheteurs devront faire le paiement lors du tournoi et prendre possession de leur achats.

The winning bidders will have to pay at the end of the auction at the golf tournament and pickup their bought items.

Modes de paiement acceptés / Payment Types Accepted:

  • Comptant / Cash (In person only please)
  • Chèque /Cheque ( À l'ordre de:  Fondation Vanguard / Please make payable to Vanguard Foundation)
  • Cate de crédit / Credit Card

General Auction Information

  • The time on this server will be used to determine the start and end times of the auction. This time may be off from your local time. Refer to the approximate time in the right hand side of this page.
  • This auction transitions to a live in-person auction after online bidding closes. You still may be outbid at the live event. The online portion of the auction will not reflect the final live auction results.
  • When the live event auction closes, all winning bidders will receive notification regarding the status of the items they have won.
  • You must register an account in order to place bids. Click Register on the upper right hand side of this page in the login area. Once you have registered, a confirmation/activation will be emailed to you. You must click on the link in the email message to complete the registration process. If you haven't received your confirmation email, please check your "junk mail" or "spam" folder as it may have gone there. You can also re-request the confirmation email. The link for resending the activation code can be found in the login area.

NOTE: eFlea provides a service that facilitates silent auctions for charities & groups/fundraisers. The items up for bids in this auction are listed by the group raising the funds. eFlea is not responsible for the accuracy of the item listings. Please verify item details with the auction administrator(s) prior to placing any bid(s). While eFlea tries to verify the auction administrator(s) and charity/group, we cannot guarantee their validity. Please be cautious and participate only in auctions where you are familiar with the groups and/or administrators.

Information On The Bidding Process Frequently Asked Questions

Please Note that all bids are final. By placing a bid on an item you are agreeing to a contract. You will enter into a legally binding contract to purchase the item from the seller in the event that you are the highest bidder at the time the auction closes. You are responsible for reading the full item listing, and understanding the above instructions and accepted payment methods. The Seller (auction administrator) assumes all responsibility for listing these items. The bidder's source IP address is logged for all bid transactions. Persons placing fraudulent bids may be prosecuted in a court of law.