The Online Auction is Now Over

NOTE: This auction continues at a live event.

You may still be outbid at the live auction if you are not in attendance.

Repas pour 6 personnes à domicile / Dining for 6 persons
Food and Drink

Item ID Starting Bid Bids Current Bid
68628 $360.00 5 $400.00

Winning Bidder

Winning bidders will be contacted after the in-person auction closes

Repas pour 6 personnes dans le confort de votre domicile.Préparation et service par nul autre qu'Alonso Ortiz , Chef du restaurant Pinxto à Montréal.

Gracieuseté de M. Alonso Ortiz, Pinxto


Meal for 6 persons prepared and served in your home by none other than Chef Alonso Ortiz of Pinxto Restaurant.

Courtesy of Mr Alonso Ortiz of Pinxto Restaurant